Source code for seqann.blast_cmd

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#    seqann Sequence Annotation.
#    Copyright (c) 2017 Be The Match operated by National Marrow Donor Program. All Rights Reserved.
#    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
#    under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
#    by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
#    your option) any later version.
#    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
#    ANY WARRANTY; with out even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
#    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
#    License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
#    along with this library;  if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
#    Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307  USA.
#    >
#    >

from Bio import SeqIO
from Bio import SearchIO
from Bio.Blast.Applications import NcbiblastnCommandline

from seqann.util import cleanup
from seqann.util import randomid
from seqann.models.blast import Blast
from seqann.models.reference_data import ReferenceData
import logging
import re

# TODO: Move to
has_hla = lambda x: True if"HLA", x) else False

[docs]def blastn(sequences, locus, nseqs, kir=False, verbose=False, refdata=None, evalue=10): """ Gets the a list of alleles that are the most similar to the input sequence :param sequences: The input sequence record. :type sequences: SeqRecord :param locus: The gene locus associated with the sequence. :type locus: ``str`` :param nseqs: The incomplete annotation from a previous iteration. :type nseqs: ``int`` :param evalue: The evalue to use (default = 10) :type evalue: ``int`` :param kir: Run with KIR or not :type kir: ``bool`` :param verbose: Run in versboe :type verbose: ``bool`` :param refdata: An object with reference data :type refdata: :ref:`ref` :rtype: :ref:`bl` Example usage: >>> from Bio.Seq import Seq >>> from seqann.blast_cmd import blastn >>> sequence = Seq('AGAGACTCTCCCGAGGATTTCGTGTACCAGTTTAAGGCCATGTGCTACTTCACC') >>> blast = blastn(sequence, locus, nseqs) """ logger = logging.getLogger("Logger." + __name__) if not refdata: refdata = ReferenceData() file_id = str(randomid()) input_fasta = file_id + ".fasta" output_xml = file_id + ".xml" SeqIO.write(sequences, input_fasta, "fasta") blastn_cline = NcbiblastnCommandline(query=input_fasta, db=refdata.blastdb, evalue=evalue, outfmt=5, reward=1, penalty=-3, gapopen=5, gapextend=2, dust='yes', out=output_xml) stdout, stderr = blastn_cline() loc = locus if not kir: loc = locus.split("-")[1] blast_qresult =, 'blast-xml') # Delete files cleanup(file_id) # TODO: Use logging if len(blast_qresult.hits) == 0: if verbose: logger.error("Failed blast! No hits!") logger.error(stderr) return Blast(failed=True) alleles = [] full_sequences = [] load_blast = 70 if nseqs < 70 else nseqs l = len(blast_qresult.hits) if load_blast > len(blast_qresult.hits) else load_blast # TODO: update all blast files to have HLA- if locus in refdata.hla_loci and not kir: alleles = [blast_qresult[i].id.split("_")[0] for i in range(0, l) if blast_qresult[i].id.split("*")[0] == locus or "HLA-" + blast_qresult[i].id.split("*")[0] == locus] alleles = ["HLA-" + a if not has_hla(a) else a for a in alleles] if kir: alleles = [blast_qresult[i].id.split("_")[0] for i in range(0, l) if blast_qresult[i].id.split("*")[0] == locus] if verbose:"Blast alleles: " + ",".join(alleles)) # TODO: sort alleles by number of features they contain and evalue # Use biosql db if provided # otherwise use IMGT dat file final_seqs = [] rmax = refdata.structure_max[locus] if refdata.server_avail: db = refdata.server[refdata.dbversion + "_" + loc] full_sequences = [] for n in alleles: if n in refdata.hla_names: try: seq = db.lookup(name=n) full_sequences.append(seq) except: logger.error("Allele doesnt exist in IMGT BioSQL DB!! " + n) else: if verbose:"Getting sequences from HLA.dat file") full_sequences = [refdata.hlaref[a] for a in alleles if a in refdata.hlaref] for s in full_sequences: = s.description.split(",")[0] i = 1 last_seq = [] max_f = 0 added_max = False full_feats = False for s in full_sequences: fs = len([f.type for f in s.features if not f.type in ['source', 'CDS']]) if i <= nseqs: final_seqs.append(s) max_f = fs if fs > max_f else max_f if i <= nseqs and max_f < rmax: full_feats = True if(i >= nseqs and fs == max_f and not added_max): if len(last_seq) >= 10: last_seq.insert(3, s) else: last_seq.append(s) added_max = True if(fs > max_f and len(last_seq) < 10 and i >= nseqs and len(last_seq) < 10): last_seq.append(s) i += 1 if full_feats: for s in last_seq: final_seqs.append(s) # Build Blast object blast_o = Blast(match_seqs=final_seqs, alleles=alleles) return blast_o
[docs]def get_locus(sequences, kir=False, verbose=False, refdata=None, evalue=10): """ Gets the locus of the sequence by running blastn :param sequences: sequenences to blast :param kir: bool whether the sequences are KIR or not :rtype: ``str`` Example usage: >>> from Bio.Seq import Seq >>> from seqann.blast_cmd import get_locus >>> sequence = Seq('AGAGACTCTCCCGAGGATTTCGTGTACCAGTTTAAGGCCATGTGCTACTTCACC') >>> locus = get_locus(sequence) """ if not refdata: refdata = ReferenceData() file_id = str(randomid()) input_fasta = file_id + ".fasta" output_xml = file_id + ".xml" SeqIO.write(sequences, input_fasta, "fasta") blastn_cline = NcbiblastnCommandline(query=input_fasta, db=refdata.blastdb, evalue=evalue, outfmt=5, reward=1, penalty=-3, gapopen=5, gapextend=2, dust='yes', out=output_xml) stdout, stderr = blastn_cline() blast_qresult =, 'blast-xml') # Delete files cleanup(file_id) if len(blast_qresult.hits) == 0: return '' loci = [] for i in range(0, 3): if kir: loci.append(blast_qresult[i].id.split("*")[0]) else: loci.append(blast_qresult[i].id.split("*")[0]) locus = set(loci) if len(locus) == 1: if has_hla(loci[0]) or kir: return loci[0] else: return "HLA-" + loci[0] else: return ''