Source code for seqann.models.annotation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#    seqann Sequence Annotation
#    Copyright (c) 2017 Be The Match operated by National Marrow Donor Program. All Rights Reserved.
#    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
#    under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
#    by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
#    your option) any later version.
#    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
#    ANY WARRANTY; with out even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
#    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
#    License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
#    along with this library;  if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
#    Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307  USA.
#    >
#    >

from __future__ import absolute_import
from seqann.models.base_model_ import Model
from typing import List, Dict
from BioSQL.BioSeq import DBSeqRecord
from ..util import deserialize_model
from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord

from seqann.feature_client.models.feature import Feature

# TODO: redo models
#   - AnnRecord
#       - sequence
#       - ID
#       - method
#       - Annotation
#           - dictionary of featureAnnotation objects
#               * Extend Feature object
#               * add coordinates
#           - gfe

[docs]class Annotation(Model): ''' classdocs ''' def __init__(self, missing: Dict=None, ambig: Dict=None, seq: SeqRecord=None, features: Dict=None, covered: int=None, annotation: Dict={}, blocks: List[List[int]]=None, method: str=None, mapping: Dict=None, refmissing: List[str]=None, exact_match: List[str]=None, exact: bool=False, structure: List[Feature]=None, complete_annotation: bool=False, gfe: str=None): """ Annotation :param features: The features of this Annotation. :type features: Dict :param covered: The sequence coverage of this Annotation. :type covered: str """ self.data_types = { 'seq': SeqRecord, 'features': Dict, 'covered': int, 'missing': Dict, 'ambig': Dict, 'annotation': Dict, 'complete_annotation': bool, 'blocks': List[List[int]], 'method': str, 'gfe': str, 'mapping': Dict, 'exact': bool, 'aligned': Dict, 'structure': List[Feature], 'refmissing': List[str], 'exact_match': List[str] } self.attribute_map = { 'seq': 'seq', 'gfe': 'gfe', 'exact': 'exact', 'aligned': 'aligned', 'features': 'features', 'covered': 'covered', 'missing': 'missing', 'ambig': 'ambig', 'annotation': 'annotation', 'complete_annotation': 'complete_annotation', 'blocks': 'blocks', 'method': 'method', 'mapping': 'mapping', 'structure': 'structure', 'refmissing': 'refmissing', 'exact_match': 'exact_match' } self._aligned = '' self._exact_match = exact_match self._refmissing = refmissing self._mapping = mapping self._method = method self._blocks = blocks self._seq = seq self._features = features self._covered = covered self._missing = missing self._ambig = ambig self._complete_annotation = complete_annotation self._annotation = annotation self._gfe = gfe self._exact = exact self._structure = structure missing_blocks = {} if not annotation: self._complete_annotation = True if not features: self._complete_annotation = False else: if missing: for feat in missing: if feat not in features: self._complete_annotation = False missing_blocks.update({feat: missing[feat]}) if ambig: for feat in ambig: if feat not in features: self._complete_annotation = False missing_blocks.update({feat: missing[feat]}) if covered > 0 and refmissing: self._complete_annotation = False full_annotation = {} for feat in features: f = features[feat] full_annotation.update({feat: f.extract(seq)}) self._annotation = full_annotation self._missing = missing_blocks if blocks: self._complete_annotation = False else: self._complete_annotation = True else: self._annotation = annotation
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, dikt) -> 'Annotation': """ Returns the dict as a model :param dikt: A dict. :type: dict :return: The Annotation of this Annotation. :rtype: Annotation """ return deserialize_model(dikt, cls)
@property def complete_annotation(self) -> bool: """ Gets the complete_annotation of this Annotation. :return: The complete_annotation of this Annotation. :rtype: bool """ return self._complete_annotation @complete_annotation.setter def complete_annotation(self, complete_annotation: bool): """ Sets the complete_annotation of this Annotation. :param complete_annotation: The complete_annotation of this Annotation. :type complete_annotation: bool """ self._complete_annotation = complete_annotation @property def exact(self) -> bool: """ Gets the exact of this Annotation. :return: The exact of this Annotation. :rtype: bool """ return self._exact @exact.setter def exact(self, exact: bool): """ Sets the exact of this Annotation. :param exact: The exact of this Annotation. :type exact: bool """ self._exact = exact @property def features(self) -> Dict: """ Gets the features of this Annotation. :return: The features of this Annotation. :rtype: Dict """ return self._features @features.setter def features(self, features: Dict): """ Sets the features of this Annotation. :param features: The features of this Annotation. :type features: Dict """ self._features = features @property def structure(self) -> List[Feature]: """ Gets the structure of this Annotation. :return: The structure of this Annotation. :rtype: List[Feature] """ return self._structure @structure.setter def structure(self, structure: List[Feature]): """ Sets the structure of this Annotation. :param structure: The structure of this Annotation. :type structure: List[Feature] """ self._structure = structure @property def covered(self) ->int: """ Gets the coverage of this Annotation. :return: The covered of this Annotation. :rtype: int """ return self._covered @covered.setter def covered(self, covered: int): """ Sets the covered of this Annotation. :param covered: The covered of this Annotation. :type covered: int """ self._covered = covered @property def seq(self) ->SeqRecord: """ Gets the coverage of this Annotation. :return: The seq of this Annotation. :rtype: SeqRecord """ return self._seq @seq.setter def seq(self, seq: SeqRecord): """ Sets the seq of this Annotation. :param seq: The seq of this Annotation. :type seq: SeqRecord """ self._seq = seq @property def ambig(self) ->Dict: """ Gets the ambig of this Annotation. :return: The ambig of this Annotation. :rtype: Dict """ return self._ambig @ambig.setter def ambig(self, ambig: Dict): """ Sets the ambig of this Annotation. :param ambig: The ambig of this Annotation. :type ambig: Dict """ self._ambig = ambig @property def method(self) ->str: """ Gets the method of this Annotation. :return: The method of this Annotation. :rtype: str """ return self._method @method.setter def method(self, method: str): """ Sets the method of this Annotation. :param method: The method of this Annotation. :type method: str """ self._method = method @property def missing(self) ->Dict: """ Gets the missing of this Annotation. :return: The missing of this Annotation. :rtype: Dict """ return self._missing @missing.setter def missing(self, missing: Dict): """ Sets the missing of this Annotation. :param missing: The missing of this Annotation. :type missing: Dict """ self._missing = missing @property def mapping(self) ->Dict: """ Gets the coverage of this Annotation. :return: The seq of this Annotation. :rtype: Dict """ return self._mapping @mapping.setter def mapping(self, mapping: Dict): """ Sets the mapping of this Annotation. :param mapping: The mapping of this Annotation. :type mapping: Dict """ self._mapping = mapping @property def refmissing(self) ->List[str]: """ Gets the refmissing of this Annotation. :return: The refmissing of this Annotation. :rtype: List[str] """ return self._refmissing @refmissing.setter def refmissing(self, refmissing: List[str]): """ Sets the refmissing of this Annotation. :param refmissing: The refmissing of this Annotation. :type refmissing: List[str] """ self._refmissing = refmissing @property def exact_match(self) ->List[str]: """ Gets the exact_match of this Annotation. :return: The exact_match of this Annotation. :rtype: List[str] """ return self._exact_match @exact_match.setter def exact_match(self, exact_match: List[str]): """ Sets the exact_match of this Annotation. :param exact_match: The exact_match of this Annotation. :type exact_match: List[str] """ self._exact_match = exact_match @property def annotation(self) ->Dict: """ Gets the coverage of this Annotation. :return: The seq of this Annotation. :rtype: Dict """ return self._annotation @annotation.setter def annotation(self, annotation: Dict): """ Sets the seq of this Annotation. :param annotation: The annotation of this Annotation. :type annotation: Dict """ self._annotation = annotation @property def blocks(self) ->List[List[int]]: """ Gets the coverage of this Annotation. :return: The blocks of this Annotation. :rtype: List[List[int]] """ return self._blocks @blocks.setter def blocks(self, blocks: List[List[int]]): """ Sets the blocks of this Annotation. :param blocks: The blocks of this Annotation. :type blocks: List[List[int]] """ self._blocks = blocks @property def gfe(self) ->str: """ Gets the coverage of this Annotation. :return: The gfe of this Annotation. :rtype: Dict """ return self._gfe @gfe.setter def gfe(self, gfe: str): """ Sets the gfe of this Annotation. :param gfe: The gfe of this Annotation. :type gfe: Dict """ self._gfe = gfe @property def aligned(self) ->Dict: """ Gets the coverage of this Annotation. :return: The aligned of this Annotation. :rtype: Dict """ return self._aligned @aligned.setter def aligned(self, aligned: Dict): """ Sets the aligned of this Annotation. :param aligned: The aligned of this Annotation. :type aligned: Dict """ self._aligned = aligned
[docs] def check_annotation(self): self.complete_annotation = True self.method = "nt_search and clustalo" if not self.annotation: self.complete_annotation = False else: if self.missing: for feat in self.missing: if feat not in self.annotation: self.complete_annotation = False if self.ambig: for feat in self.ambig: if feat not in self.annotation: self.complete_annotation = False if self.blocks: self.complete_annotation = False else: self.complete_annotation = True
[docs] def clean(self): self.missing = '' self.ambig = '' self.mapping = ''