Source code for seqann.seq_search

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#    seqann Sequence Annotation.
#    Copyright (c) 2017 Be The Match operated by National Marrow Donor Program. All Rights Reserved.
#    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
#    under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
#    by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
#    your option) any later version.
#    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
#    ANY WARRANTY; with out even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
#    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
#    License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
#    along with this library;  if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
#    Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307  USA.
#    >
#    >

from __future__ import absolute_import

import re
import logging
import warnings

from Bio import BiopythonExperimentalWarning
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", BiopythonExperimentalWarning)

from Bio.SeqUtils import nt_search
from Bio.SeqFeature import SeqFeature
from Bio.SeqFeature import FeatureLocation
from Bio.SeqFeature import ExactPosition

from seqann.models.annotation import Annotation
from seqann.models.base_model_ import Model
from seqann.util import deserialize_model
from seqann.util import get_features
from seqann.util import get_structures
from seqann.util import get_structorder
from seqann.util import get_structmax
from seqann.util import is_classII

# NOTE: This doesn't need to be a class anymore and could be reduced to functions 

[docs]class SeqSearch(Model): ''' This is a class for annotating a BioPython sequence without using alignment :param verbose: Flag for running in verbose mode. :type verbose: ``bool`` :param verbosity: Numerical value to indicate how verbose the output will be in verbose mode. :type verbosity: ``int`` Example usage: >>> from seqann.seq_search import SeqSearch >>> seqsrch = SeqSearch() ''' def __init__(self, verbose: bool=False, verbosity: int=0): self.data_types = { 'verbose': bool, 'verbosity': int } self.attribute_map = { 'verbose': 'verbose', 'verbosity': 'verbosity' } self._verbose = verbose self._verbosity = verbosity self.logger = logging.getLogger("Logger." + __name__)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, dikt) -> 'SeqSearch': """ Returns the dict as a model :param dikt: A dict. :type: dict :return: The SeqSearch of this SeqSearch. :rtype: SeqSearch """ return deserialize_model(dikt, cls)
[docs] def search_seqs(self, seqrec, in_seq, locus, run=0, partial_ann=None): """ search_seqs - method for annotating a BioPython sequence without alignment :param seqrec: The reference sequence :type seqrec: SeqRecord :param locus: The gene locus associated with the sequence. :type locus: str :param in_seq: The input sequence :type in_seq: SeqRecord :param run: The number of runs that have been done :type run: int :param partial_ann: A partial annotation from a previous step :type partial_ann: :ref:`ann` :rtype: :ref:`ann` Example usage: >>> from Bio.Seq import Seq >>> from seqann.seq_search import SeqSearch >>> inseq = Seq('AGAGACTCTCCCGAGGATTTCGTGTACCAGTTTAAGGCCATGTGCTACTTCACC') >>> sqsrch = SeqSearch() >>> ann = sqsrch.search_seqs(refseqs, inseq) """ # Extract out the sequences and feature names # from the reference sequences # The mapped features will be subtracted from seq_covered # so the final seq_covered number will reflect the remaining # number of base pairs that haven't been mapped. # # The coordinates and mapping will help determine what positions # in the sequence have been mapped and to what features. The # missing blocks variable will be generated using these. structures = get_structures() seq_covered = len(in_seq.seq) coordinates = dict(map(lambda x: [x, 1], [i for i in range(0, len(in_seq.seq)+1)])) mapping = dict(map(lambda x: [x, 1], [i for i in range(0, len(in_seq.seq)+1)])) ambig_map = {} found_feats = {} feat_missing = {} method = "nt_search" if not partial_ann else partial_ann.method # If the partial annotation is provided # then make the found_feats equal to # what has already been annotated feats = get_features(seqrec) if partial_ann: found_feats = partial_ann.features if self.verbose and self.verbosity > 4:"Found partial features:") for f in found_feats: # Skip references that only have features # that have already been annoated if len([f for f in feats if f in found_feats]) == len(feats): if self.verbose:"Skipping incomplete refseq") return partial_ann if self.verbose and self.verbosity > 1:"Using partial annotation | " + locus + " " + str(len(partial_ann.features))) coordinates = dict(map(lambda l: [l, 1], [item for sublist in partial_ann.blocks for item in sublist])) seq_covered = partial_ann.covered mapping = partial_ann.mapping if self.verbose and self.verbosity > 2:"Partial sequence coverage = " + str(seq_covered))"Partial sequence metho = " + method) added_feat = {} deleted_coords = {} for feat_name in sorted(feats, key=lambda k: structures[locus][k]): # skip if partial annotation is provided # and the feat name is not one of the # missing features if partial_ann and feat_name not in partial_ann.refmissing: if self.verbose and self.verbosity > 1:"Skipping " + feat_name + " - Already annotated") continue if self.verbose and self.verbosity > 1:"Running seqsearch for " + feat_name) # Search for the reference feature sequence in the # input sequence. Record the coordinates if it's # found and if it's found in multiple spots. If it # is not found, then record that feature as missing. seq_search = nt_search(str(in_seq.seq), str(feats[feat_name])) if len(seq_search) == 2: if self.verbose and self.verbosity > 0:"Found exact match for " + feat_name) seq_covered -= len(str(feats[feat_name])) end = int(len(str(feats[feat_name])) + seq_search[1]) if feat_name == 'three_prime_UTR' \ and len(str(in_seq.seq)) > end: end = len(str(in_seq.seq)) # If the feature is found and it's a five_prime_UTR then # the start should always be 0, so insertions at the # beinging of the sequence will be found. start = seq_search[1] if feat_name != 'five_prime_UTR' else 0 si = seq_search[1]+1 if seq_search[1] != 0 and \ feat_name != 'five_prime_UTR' else 0 # check if this features has already been mapped mapcheck = set([0 if i in coordinates else 1 for i in range(si, end+1)]) # Dont map features if they are out of order skip = False if found_feats and len(found_feats) > 0: for f in found_feats: o1 = structures[locus][feat_name] o2 = structures[locus][f] loctyp = loctype(found_feats[f].location.start, found_feats[f].location.end, start, end) if o1 < o2 and loctyp: skip = True if self.verbose:"Skipping map for " + feat_name) elif o2 < o1 and not loctyp: skip = True if self.verbose:"Skipping map for " + feat_name) if 1 not in mapcheck and not skip: for i in range(si, end+1): if i in coordinates: if feat_name == "exon_8" or feat_name == 'three_prime_UTR': deleted_coords.update({i: coordinates[i]}) del coordinates[i] else: if self.verbose: self.logger.error("seqsearch - should't be here " + locus + " - " + " - " + feat_name) mapping[i] = feat_name found_feats.update({feat_name: SeqFeature( FeatureLocation( ExactPosition(start), ExactPosition(end), strand=1), type=feat_name)}) if feat_name == "exon_8" or feat_name == 'three_prime_UTR': added_feat.update({feat_name: feats[feat_name]}) if self.verbose and self.verbosity > 3:"Coordinates | Start = " + str(start) + " - End = " + str(end)) elif(len(seq_search) > 2): if self.verbose and self.verbosity > 1:"Found " + str(len(seq_search)) + " matches for " + feat_name) new_seq = [seq_search[0]] for i in range(1, len(seq_search)): tnp = seq_search[i]+1 if seq_search[i] in coordinates or tnp in coordinates: new_seq.append(seq_search[i]) seq_search = new_seq if(partial_ann and feat_name == "exon_8" and run > 0): missing_feats = sorted(list(partial_ann.missing.keys())) # * HARD CODED LOGIC * # # > exon8 in class I maps to multiple spots in a sequence, # often in the 3' UTR. These features need to be mapped # last to make sure it's not mapping exon8 incorrectly. if(missing_feats == ['exon_8', 'three_prime_UTR'] and len(seq_search) <= 3): if self.verbose and self.verbosity > 0:"Resolving exon_8") seq_covered -= len(str(feats[feat_name])) end = int(len(str(feats[feat_name])) + seq_search[1]) # If the feature is found and it's a five_prime_UTR then # the start should always be 0, so insertions at the # beinging of the sequence will be found. start = seq_search[1] si = seq_search[1]+1 if seq_search[1] != 0 else 0 # check if this features has already been mapped mapcheck = set([0 if i in coordinates else 1 for i in range(si, end+1)]) for i in range(si, end+1): if i in coordinates: del coordinates[i] else: if self.verbose: self.logger.error("seqsearch - should't be here " + locus + " - " + " - " + feat_name) mapping[i] = feat_name found_feats.update({feat_name: SeqFeature( FeatureLocation( ExactPosition(start), ExactPosition(end), strand=1), type=feat_name)}) if self.verbose and self.verbosity > 0:"Coordinates | Start = " + str(start) + " - End = " + str(end)) else: if self.verbose and self.verbosity > 0:"Adding ambig feature " + feat_name) feat_missing.update({feat_name: feats[feat_name]}) ambig_map.update({feat_name: seq_search[1:len(seq_search)]}) else: if self.verbose and self.verbosity > 0:"Adding ambig feature " + feat_name) feat_missing.update({feat_name: feats[feat_name]}) ambig_map.update({feat_name: seq_search[1:len(seq_search)]}) else: if self.verbose and self.verbosity > 1:"No match for " + feat_name) feat_missing.update({feat_name: feats[feat_name]}) blocks = getblocks(coordinates) exact_matches = list(found_feats.keys()) # * HARD CODED LOGIC * # # > # # HLA-DRB1 exon3 exact match - with intron1 and 3 missing if('exon_3' in exact_matches and run == 99 and locus == 'HLA-DRB1' and 'exon_2' in feat_missing and (len(blocks) == 1 or len(blocks) == 2)): for b in blocks: x = b[len(b)-1] if x == max(list(mapping.keys())): featname = "intron_3" found_feats.update({featname: SeqFeature( FeatureLocation( ExactPosition(b[0]-1), ExactPosition(b[len(b)-1]), strand=1), type=featname)}) else: featname = "exon_2" found_feats.update({featname: SeqFeature( FeatureLocation( ExactPosition(b[0]), ExactPosition(b[len(b)-1]), strand=1), type=featname)}) seq_covered -= len(b) if self.verbose and self.verbosity > 1:"Successfully annotated class DRB1 II sequence") return Annotation(features=found_feats, covered=seq_covered, seq=in_seq, missing=feat_missing, ambig=ambig_map, method=method, mapping=mapping, exact_match=exact_matches) # If it's a class II sequence and # exon_2 is an exact match # * HARD CODED LOGIC * # # > It's common for exon2 to be fully sequenced # but intron_2 and intron_1 to be partially sequenced, # which can make it hard to annotate those to features. # If there are two missing blocks that is small enough # and they are before and after exon2, then it's very # very likely to be intron_2 and intron_1. if 'exon_2' in exact_matches and len(blocks) == 2 \ and is_classII(locus) and seq_covered < 300: if self.verbose and self.verbosity > 1:"Running search for class II sequence") r = True for b in blocks: x = b[len(b)-1] if x == max(list(mapping.keys())): x = b[0]-1 else: x += 1 f = mapping[x] if f != 'exon_2': r = False if r: for b in blocks: x = b[len(b)-1] if x == max(list(mapping.keys())): featname = "intron_2" found_feats.update({featname: SeqFeature( FeatureLocation( ExactPosition(b[0]-1), ExactPosition(b[len(b)-1]), strand=1), type=featname)}) else: featname = "intron_1" found_feats.update({featname: SeqFeature( FeatureLocation( ExactPosition(b[0]), ExactPosition(b[len(b)-1]), strand=1), type=featname)}) seq_covered -= len(b) if self.verbose and self.verbosity > 1:"Successfully annotated class II sequence") return Annotation(features=found_feats, covered=seq_covered, seq=in_seq, missing=feat_missing, ambig=ambig_map, method=method, mapping=mapping, exact_match=exact_matches) annotated_feats, mb, mapping = self._resolve_unmapped(blocks, feat_missing, ambig_map, mapping, found_feats, locus, seq_covered ) # * HARD CODED LOGIC * # if(not mb and blocks and len(feat_missing.keys()) == 0 and len(ambig_map.keys()) == 0): mb = blocks if mb: # Unmap exon 8 if locus in ['HLA-C', 'HLA-A'] and len(in_seq.seq) < 3000 \ and 'exon_8' in exact_matches: for i in deleted_coords: mapping[i] = 1 coordinates.update(deleted_coords) mb = getblocks(coordinates) feat_missing.update(added_feat) # Delte from found features del exact_matches[exact_matches.index('exon_8')] del found_feats['exon_8'] if 'exon_8' in annotated_feats: del annotated_feats['exon_8'] if 'three_prime_UTR' in found_feats: del found_feats['three_prime_UTR'] if 'three_prime_UTR' in annotated_feats: del annotated_feats['three_prime_UTR'] refmissing = [f for f in structures[locus] if f not in annotated_feats] if self.verbose and self.verbosity > 1:"* Annotation not complete *") # Print out what features were missing by the ref if self.verbose and self.verbosity > 2:"Refseq was missing these features = " + ",".join(list(refmissing))) # Print out what features were ambig matches if self.verbose and self.verbosity > 1 and len(ambig_map) > 1:"Features with ambig matches = " + ",".join(list(ambig_map))) # Print out what features were exact matches if self.verbose and self.verbosity > 2 and len(exact_matches) > 1:"Features exact matches = " + ",".join(list(exact_matches))) # Print out what features have been annotated if self.verbose and self.verbosity > 1 and len(annotated_feats) > 1:"Features annotated = " + ",".join(list(annotated_feats))) # Print out what features are missing if self.verbose and self.verbosity > 1 and len(feat_missing) > 1:"Features missing = " + ",".join(list(feat_missing))) annotation = Annotation(features=annotated_feats, covered=seq_covered, seq=in_seq, missing=feat_missing, ambig=ambig_map, blocks=mb, method=method, refmissing=refmissing, mapping=mapping, exact_match=exact_matches, annotation=None) else: mb = None # Unmap exon 8 if locus in ['HLA-C', 'HLA-A'] and len(in_seq.seq) < 600 \ and 'exon_8' in exact_matches \ and 'three_prime_UTR' in annotated_feats\ and 'three_prime_UTR' not in exact_matches: for i in deleted_coords: mapping[i] = 1 coordinates.update(deleted_coords) mb = getblocks(coordinates) feat_missing.update(added_feat) del exact_matches[exact_matches.index('exon_8')] del found_feats['exon_8'] if 'exon_8' in annotated_feats: del annotated_feats['exon_8'] if 'three_prime_UTR' in found_feats: del found_feats['three_prime_UTR'] if 'three_prime_UTR' in annotated_feats: del annotated_feats['three_prime_UTR'] if self.verbose:"* No missing blocks after seq_search *") # Print out what features were ambig matches if self.verbose and self.verbosity > 0 and len(ambig_map) > 1:"Features with ambig matches = " + ",".join(list(ambig_map))) # Print out what features were exact matches if self.verbose and self.verbosity > 0 and len(exact_matches) > 1:"Features exact matches = " + ",".join(list(exact_matches))) # Print out what features have been annotated if self.verbose and self.verbosity > 0 and len(annotated_feats) > 1:"Features annotated = " + ",".join(list(annotated_feats))) # Print out what features are missing if self.verbose and self.verbosity > 0 and len(feat_missing) > 1:"Features missing = " + ",".join(list(feat_missing))) annotation = Annotation(features=annotated_feats, covered=seq_covered, seq=in_seq, missing=feat_missing, ambig=ambig_map, method=method, blocks=mb, mapping=mapping, exact_match=exact_matches, annotation=None) return annotation
# TODO: This should be cleaned up and reduced.. # There is some repeating logic and overlap in # this section. def _resolve_unmapped(self, blocks, feat_missing, ambig_map, mapping, found_feats, loc, covered, rerun=False): structures = get_structures() struct_order = get_structorder() structure_max = get_structmax() exon_only = True found_exons = 0 for f in found_feats: if"intron", f) or"UTR", f): exon_only = False if"exon", f): found_exons += 1 # Count the number of exons for the given loci num_exons = 0 for f in structures[loc]: if"exon", f): num_exons += 1 # If all exons have been mapped # then it is not exon only data if found_exons == num_exons: exon_only = False # If it's exon only, then search two # features up rather than one add_num = 2 if exon_only and rerun and covered < 300 else 1 block_mapped = [] missing_blocks = [] for b in blocks: for featname in ambig_map.keys(): locats = ambig_map[featname] start_i = b[0]-1 end_i = b[len(b)-1]+1 # TODO: Catch ERROR #if not end_i in mapping: feat_num = structures[loc][featname] x = feat_num-add_num y = feat_num-add_num if feat_num+add_num <= structure_max[loc] \ and feat_num-add_num >= 0 and start_i >= 0 \ and end_i <= len(mapping) - 1 \ and x in struct_order[loc] \ and y in struct_order[loc]: expected_p = struct_order[loc][feat_num-add_num] expected_n = struct_order[loc][feat_num+add_num] previous_feat = mapping[start_i] next_feat = mapping[end_i] if expected_p == previous_feat \ and expected_n == next_feat \ and expected_p != 1 \ and b[0]-1 in locats: block_mapped.append(b) found_feats.update({featname: SeqFeature( FeatureLocation( ExactPosition(b[0]-1), ExactPosition(b[len(b)-1]), strand=1), type=featname)}) elif feat_num+add_num > structure_max[loc] \ and feat_num-add_num >= 0 and start_i >= 0 \ and end_i >= max(mapping) \ and y in struct_order[loc]: expected_p = struct_order[loc][feat_num-add_num] previous_feat = mapping[start_i] if expected_p == previous_feat \ and expected_p != 1 \ and b[0]-1 in locats: block_mapped.append(b) found_feats.update({featname: SeqFeature( FeatureLocation( ExactPosition(b[0]-1), ExactPosition(b[len(b)-1]), strand=1), type=featname)}) elif feat_num+add_num <= structure_max[loc] \ and feat_num-add_num < 0\ and x in struct_order[loc]: expected_n = struct_order[loc][feat_num+add_num] if not end_i in mapping: next_feat = mapping[end_i-1] else: next_feat = mapping[end_i] if expected_n == next_feat \ and expected_p != 1 \ and b[0]-1 in locats: block_mapped.append(b) found_feats.update({featname: SeqFeature( FeatureLocation( ExactPosition(b[0]-1), ExactPosition(b[len(b)-1]), strand=1), type=featname)}) else: missing_blocks.append(b) for b in blocks: for featname in feat_missing.keys(): if featname in ambig_map and b not in block_mapped: if b not in missing_blocks: missing_blocks.append(b) continue if b not in block_mapped: #featlen = feat_missing[featname] start_i = b[0]-1 end_i = b[len(b)-1]+1 feat_num = structures[loc][featname] if feat_num+add_num <= structure_max[loc] \ and feat_num-1 >= 1 \ and end_i <= max(mapping.keys()) \ and start_i >= 0 \ and feat_num-add_num > 0: expected_p = struct_order[loc][feat_num-add_num] expected_n = struct_order[loc][feat_num+add_num] previous_feat = mapping[start_i] next_feat = mapping[end_i] if expected_p == previous_feat \ and expected_n == next_feat \ and expected_p != 1 \ and expected_n != 1: if b in missing_blocks: del missing_blocks[missing_blocks.index(b)] for i in b: mapping.update({i: featname}) block_mapped.append(b) found_feats.update({featname: SeqFeature( FeatureLocation( ExactPosition(b[0]-1), ExactPosition(b[len(b)-1]), strand=1), type=featname)}) else: if b not in missing_blocks: missing_blocks.append(b) elif feat_num+add_num > structure_max[loc] \ and feat_num-add_num >= 1 and start_i >= 0: expected_p = struct_order[loc][feat_num-add_num] previous_feat = mapping[start_i] if expected_p == previous_feat \ and expected_p != 1: if b in missing_blocks: del missing_blocks[missing_blocks.index(b)] block_mapped.append(b) for i in b: mapping.update({i: featname}) found_feats.update({featname: SeqFeature( FeatureLocation( ExactPosition(b[0]-1), ExactPosition(b[len(b)-1]), strand=1), type=featname)}) else: if b not in missing_blocks: missing_blocks.append(b) elif(feat_num+add_num <= structure_max[loc] and feat_num-add_num < 1 and end_i <= max(mapping) and end_i in mapping): expected_n = struct_order[loc][feat_num+add_num] next_feat = mapping[end_i] if expected_n == next_feat: if b in missing_blocks: del missing_blocks[missing_blocks.index(b)] add = 0 block_mapped.append(b) for i in b: mapping.update({i: featname}) if add != 0: for i in range(b[len(b)-1], b[len(b)-1]+add): mapping.update({i: featname}) found_feats.update({featname: SeqFeature( FeatureLocation( ExactPosition(b[0]), ExactPosition(b[len(b)-1]+add), strand=1), type=featname)}) else: if b not in missing_blocks: missing_blocks.append(b) else: if b not in missing_blocks: missing_blocks.append(b) # If it failed to map all features when only looking # at the exons, then try again and look at all features if exon_only and not rerun and missing_blocks: if self.verbose:"Rerunning seqsearch to look at all features") return self._resolve_unmapped(missing_blocks, feat_missing, ambig_map, mapping, found_feats, loc, covered, rerun=True) else: return found_feats, missing_blocks, mapping @property def verbose(self) -> bool: """ Gets the verbose of this SeqSearch. :return: The verbose of this SeqSearch. :rtype: bool """ return self._verbose @verbose.setter def verbose(self, verbose: bool): """ Sets the verbose of this SeqSearch. :param verbose: The verbose of this SeqSearch. :type verbose: bool """ self._verbose = verbose @property def verbosity(self) -> int: """ Gets the verbosity of this SeqSearch. :return: The verbosity of this SeqSearch. :rtype: int """ return self._verbosity @verbosity.setter def verbosity(self, verbosity: int): """ Sets the verbosity of this SeqSearch. :param verbosity: The verbosity of this SeqSearch. :type verbosity: int """ self._verbosity = verbosity
# TODO: Move to
[docs]def loctype(s1, e1, s2, e2): if s1 < s2 and e1 < e2: return True else: return False
# TODO: Move to
[docs]def getblocks(coords): block = [] blocks = [] sorted_i = sorted(coords.keys()) if len(sorted_i) == 1: return [sorted_i] for i in range(0, len(sorted_i)-1): j = i+1 if i == 0: block.append(sorted_i[i]) if(j <= len(sorted_i)-1): if(sorted_i[i] == sorted_i[j]-1): block.append(sorted_i[j]) else: blocks.append(block) block = [] block.append(sorted_i[j]) else: block.append(sorted_i[j]) if len(block) > 1: blocks.append(block) return blocks