Source code for seqann.align

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#    seqann Sequence Annotation
#    Copyright (c) 2017 Be The Match operated by National Marrow Donor Program. All Rights Reserved.
#    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
#    under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
#    by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
#    your option) any later version.
#    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
#    ANY WARRANTY; with out even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
#    FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
#    License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
#    along with this library;  if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
#    Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307  USA.
#    >
#    >

from __future__ import absolute_import

import re
from Bio.Alphabet import SingleLetterAlphabet
from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
from subprocess import Popen
from subprocess import PIPE
from subprocess import STDOUT

from Bio import SeqIO
from Bio.Seq import Seq
from Bio import AlignIO
from Bio.Alphabet import IUPAC
from Bio.SeqFeature import SeqFeature
from Bio.SeqFeature import FeatureLocation
from Bio.SeqFeature import ExactPosition
from Bio.Align.Applications import ClustalOmegaCommandline

from seqann.util import cleanup
from seqann.util import randomid
from seqann.util import get_seqfeat
from seqann.seq_search import getblocks
from seqann.models.annotation import Annotation
from seqann.util import get_structures

import logging

flatten = lambda l: [item for sublist in l for item in sublist]

[docs]def align_seqs(found_seqs, sequence, locus, start_pos, missing, annotated, cutoff=0.90, verbose=False, verbosity=0): """ align_seqs - Aligns sequences with clustalo :param found_seqs: List of the reference sequences :type found_seqs: ``List`` :param sequence: The input consensus sequence. :type sequence: SeqRecord :param locus: The gene locus associated with the sequence. :type locus: ``str`` :param annotated: dictonary of the annotated features :type annotated: ``dict`` :param start_pos: Where the reference sequence starts :type start_pos: ``int`` :param missing: List of the unmapped features :type missing: ``List`` :param cutoff: The alignment cutoff :type cutoff: ``float`` :param verbose: Flag for running in verbose mode. :type verbose: ``bool`` :param verbosity: Numerical value to indicate how verbose the output will be in verbose mode. :type verbosity: ``int`` :rtype: :ref:`ann` """ logger = logging.getLogger("Logger." + __name__) seqs = [found_seqs, sequence] if verbose and verbosity > 0:"found_seqs length = " + str(len(found_seqs)))"sequence length = " + str(len(sequence))) seqs = [] seqs.append(found_seqs) seqs.append(sequence) align = [] # piping to clustalo failed # when sequences were over ~7k bp if len(sequence) > 7000: # Writing sequences out to fasta files.. if verbose:"Sequence too large to use pipe") randid = randomid() input_fasta = str(randid) + ".fasta" output_clu = str(randid) + ".clu" SeqIO.write(seqs, input_fasta, "fasta") clustalomega_cline = ClustalOmegaCommandline(infile=input_fasta, outfile=output_clu, outfmt='clu', wrap=20000, verbose=True, auto=True) stdout, stderr = clustalomega_cline() aligns =, "clustal") for aln in aligns: align.append(str(aln.seq)) # Delete files cleanup(randid) else: # Running clustalo by piping in sequences indata = flatten([[">" + str(, str(s.seq)] for s in seqs]) child = Popen(['clustalo', '--outfmt', 'clu', '--wrap=50000', '--auto', '-i', '-'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, stdin=PIPE) stdout = child.communicate(input=str.encode("\n".join(indata))) child.wait() lines = bytes.decode(stdout[0]).split("\n") for line in lines: if"\w", line) and not"CLUSTAL", line): alignment = re.findall(r"[\S']+", line) if len(alignment) == 2: align.append(list(alignment[1])) child.terminate() # Print out what blocks haven't been annotated if verbose and len(align) > 0:"* ClustalOmega alignment succeeded *") insers, dels = 0, 0 all_features = [] if len(align)-2 == 0: infeats = get_seqfeat(seqs[0]) diffs = count_diffs(align, infeats, sequence, locus, cutoff, verbose, verbosity) if isinstance(diffs, Annotation): if verbose:"Run alignment with " +"***********************") return diffs, 0, 0 else: insers, dels = diffs[0], diffs[1] f = find_features(infeats, align[0], annotated, start_pos, cutoff) all_features.append(f) else: for i in range(0, len(align)-2): infeats = get_seqfeat(seqs[i]) f = find_features(infeats, align[i], annotated, start_pos, cutoff) all_features.append(f) if len(all_features) > 0: if verbose:"-- Resolving features -- ") for f in all_features[0]:"Resolving -> " + f) annotation = resolve_feats(all_features, align[len(align)-1], align[0], start_pos, locus, missing, verbose, verbosity) if verbose:"Run alignment with " +"Missing features = " + ",".join(list(missing.keys())))"Number of features found = " + str(len(all_features)))"Features found = " + ",".join(list(all_features[0].keys())))"Features annotated = " + ",".join(list(annotation.annotation.keys())))"***********************") return annotation, insers, dels else: if verbose:"***********************") return Annotation(complete_annotation=False), 0, 0
[docs]def find_features(feats, sequ, annotated, start_pos, cutoff): """ find_features - Finds the reference sequence features in the alignments and records the positions :param feats: Dictonary of sequence features :type feats: ``dict`` :param sequ: The sequence alignment for the input sequence :type sequ: ``List`` :param annotated: dictonary of the annotated features :type annotated: ``dict`` :param start_pos: Where the reference sequence starts :type start_pos: ``int`` :param missing: List of the unmapped features :type missing: ``List`` :param cutoff: The alignment cutoff :type cutoff: ``float`` :param verbose: Flag for running in verbose mode. :type verbose: ``bool`` :param verbosity: Numerical value to indicate how verbose the output will be in verbose mode. :type verbosity: ``int`` :rtype: ``List`` """ feats_a = list(feats.keys()) j = 0 s = 0 en = 0 start = 0 for i in range(0, len(sequ)): if j <= len(feats_a)-1: if i > int(feats[feats_a[j]].location.end): j += 1 if(sequ[i] == '-'): if i == 0: start += 1 en += 1 s = 1 else: start += 1 en += 1 if s == 0: start_val = feats[feats_a[j]].location.start #if feats_a[j] == "five_prime_UTR": # start_val = 0 if((annotated == 0 and start_pos == 0 and cutoff < 0.9) or (annotated == 0 and start_pos == 0 and st < 6) or (start_pos == 0 and len(feats) == 1 and cutoff < .9)): start_val = 0 else: if feats_a[j] == 'five_prime_UTR': start_val = 0 feats[feats_a[j]] = SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(start_val), ExactPosition(int(feats[feats_a[j]].location.end + 1)), strand=1), type=feats[feats_a[j]].type) if j != len(feats_a): for l in range(j+1, len(feats_a)): feats[feats_a[l]] = SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(feats[feats_a[l]].location.start+1), ExactPosition(int(feats[feats_a[l]].location.end + 1)), strand=1), type=feats[feats_a[l]].type) else: if s == 1: st = feats[feats_a[j]].location.start + start end = feats[feats_a[j]].location.end + en start_val = st if feats_a[j] != 'five_prime_UTR' and start_pos == 0: if((annotated == 0 and start_pos == 0 and cutoff < 0.9) or (annotated == 0 and start_pos == 0 and st < 6) or (start_pos == 0 and len(feats) == 1 and cutoff < .9)): start_val = 0 else: if feats_a[j] == 'five_prime_UTR': start_val = 0 feats[feats_a[j]] = SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(start_val), ExactPosition(end), strand=1), type=feats[feats_a[j]].type) if j != len(feats_a): for l in range(j+1, len(feats_a)): feats[feats_a[l]] = SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(feats[feats_a[l]].location.start+st), ExactPosition(int(feats[feats_a[l]].location.end + st)), strand=1), type=feats[feats_a[l]].type) s = 0 return feats
[docs]def resolve_feats(feat_list, seqin, seqref, start, locus, missing, verbose=False, verbosity=0): """ resolve_feats - Resolves features from alignments :param feat_list: List of the found features :type feat_list: ``List`` :param seqin: The input sequence :type seqin: ``str`` :param locus: The input locus :type locus: ``str`` :param start: Where the sequence start in the alignment :type start: ``int`` :param missing: List of the unmapped features :type missing: ``List`` :param verbose: Flag for running in verbose mode. :type verbose: ``bool`` :param verbosity: Numerical value to indicate how verbose the output will be in verbose mode. :type verbosity: ``int`` :rtype: :ref:`ann` """ structures = get_structures() logger = logging.getLogger("Logger." + __name__) seq = SeqRecord(seq=Seq("".join(seqin), SingleLetterAlphabet())) seq_covered = len(seq.seq) coordinates = dict(map(lambda x: [x, 1], [i for i in range(0, len(seq.seq)+1)])) mapping = dict(map(lambda x: [x, 1], [i for i in range(0, len(seq.seq)+1)])) diff = 0 if len(feat_list) > 1: if verbose: logger.error("resolve_feats error") return Annotation(complete_annotation=False) else: features = {} full_annotation = {} features = feat_list[0] # Need to sort feature_list = sorted(features.keys(), key=lambda f: structures[locus][f]) diff_f = True for feat in feature_list: if feat in missing: f = features[feat] seqrec = f.extract(seq) seq_covered -= len(seqrec.seq) if"-", str(seqrec.seq)): l1 = len(seqrec.seq) newseq = re.sub(r'-', '', str(seqrec.seq)) seqrec.seq = Seq(newseq, IUPAC.unambiguous_dna) tmdiff = l1 - len(newseq) diff += tmdiff if seqrec.seq: #logger.error("FEAT HAS SEQ " + feat) if diff_f and diff > 0: sp = f.location.start + start diff_f = False else: sp = f.location.start + start - diff ep = f.location.end + start - diff featn = SeqFeature(FeatureLocation(ExactPosition(sp), ExactPosition(ep), strand=1), type=f.type) features.update({feat: featn}) full_annotation.update({feat: seqrec}) for i in range(featn.location.start, featn.location.end): if i in coordinates: del coordinates[i] mapping[i] = feat else: f = features[feat] seqrec = f.extract(seq) seq_covered -= len(seqrec.seq) if"-", str(seqrec.seq)): l1 = len(seqrec.seq) newseq = re.sub(r'-', '', str(seqrec.seq)) seqrec.seq = Seq(newseq, IUPAC.unambiguous_dna) tmdiff = l1 - len(newseq) diff += tmdiff blocks = getblocks(coordinates) rmapping = {k+start: mapping[k] for k in mapping.keys()} # Print out what features are missing if verbose and verbosity > 0 and len(full_annotation.keys()) > 1:"Features resolved:") for f in full_annotation: else: if verbose:"Failed to resolve") if not full_annotation or len(full_annotation) == 0: if verbose:"Failed to align missing features") return Annotation(complete_annotation=False) else: return Annotation(annotation=full_annotation, method="clustalo", features=features, mapping=rmapping, blocks=blocks, seq=seq)
[docs]def count_diffs(align, feats, inseq, locus, cutoff, verbose=False, verbosity=0): """ count_diffs - Counts the number of mismatches, gaps, and insertions and then determines if those are within an acceptable range. :param align: The alignment :type align: ``List`` :param feats: Dictonary of the features :type feats: ``dict`` :param locus: The gene locus associated with the sequence. :type locus: ``str`` :param inseq: The input sequence :type inseq: ``str`` :param cutoff: The alignment cutoff :type cutoff: ``float`` :param verbose: Flag for running in verbose mode. :type verbose: ``bool`` :param verbosity: Numerical value to indicate how verbose the output will be in verbose mode. :type verbosity: ``int`` :rtype: ``List`` """ nfeats = len(feats.keys()) mm = 0 insr = 0 dels = 0 gaps = 0 match = 0 lastb = '' l = len(align[0]) if len(align[0]) > len(align[1]) else len(align[1]) # Counting gaps, mismatches and insertions for i in range(0, l): if align[0][i] == "-" or align[1][i] == "-": if align[0][i] == "-": insr += 1 if lastb != '-': gaps += 1 lastb = "-" if align[1][i] == "-": dels += 1 if lastb != '-': gaps += 1 lastb = "-" else: lastb = '' if align[0][i] != align[1][i]: mm += 1 else: match += 1 gper = gaps / nfeats delper = dels / l iper = insr / l mmper = mm / l mper = match / l mper2 = match / len(inseq) logger = logging.getLogger("Logger." + __name__) if verbose and verbosity > 0:"Features algined = " + ",".join(list(feats.keys())))'{:<22}{:<6d}'.format("Number of feats: ", nfeats))'{:<22}{:<6d}{:<1.2f}'.format("Number of gaps: ", gaps, gper))'{:<22}{:<6d}{:<1.2f}'.format("Number of deletions: ", dels, delper))'{:<22}{:<6d}{:<1.2f}'.format("Number of insertions: ", insr, iper))'{:<22}{:<6d}{:<1.2f}'.format("Number of mismatches: ", mm, mmper))'{:<22}{:<6d}{:<1.2f}'.format("Number of matches: ", match, mper))'{:<22}{:<6d}{:<1.2f}'.format("Number of matches: ", match, mper2)) indel = iper + delper # ** HARD CODED LOGIC ** # if len(inseq) > 6000 and mmper < .10 and mper2 > .80: if verbose:"Alignment coverage high enough to complete annotation 11") return insr, dels else: # TODO: These numbers need to be fine tuned indel_mm = indel + mper2 if (indel > 0.5 or mmper > 0.05) and mper2 < cutoff and indel_mm != 1: if verbose:"Alignment coverage NOT high enough to return annotation") return Annotation(complete_annotation=False) else: if verbose:"Alignment coverage high enough to complete annotation") return insr, dels